Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sign: 213

The new Hermes, without Dionysus. 

RE: Peirce and Constitution, not Plato.

Sunday, August 6, 2023



Aristotle’s scope of rhetoric as the force which appeals to emotion that warp judgment.

Lampert's, or his crew if he's not with us any longer, use of Homer, i.e. Nietzsche’s deconstruction: re: noumena and phenomena. (Harari’s PPN from Sapiens:“The wandering bands of storytelling Sapiens were the most important and the most destructive force the animal kingdom has ever produced.”)

Conclusion: Harari's PPN that humans can be hacked.

Note: Harari’s book Sapiens has a nice review on Amazon, where David Zetland suggests Harari lacks appreciation for Institutions. Instutions are a core theme in Strauss’ interpretation of Machiavelli. Can Harari be sock puppeted by the fister.