Friday, May 31, 2024

Disjunctive Heidegger: on the Necessity of the Question?

B^T 1 [2,1]: “ And when Hegel finally defines "being" as the "indeterminate immediate," and makes this definition the foundation of all the further categorial explications of his Logic, he remains within the perspective of ancient ontology-except that he gives up the problem, raised early on by Aristotle, of the unity of being in contrast to the manifold of "categories" with material content.”

Peirce had been dead for 13 years by the time Being and Time was published, however if you read “On a New List of Categories” the material is virtually identical, minus the Hegelian schism. Hegel disjuncts; Peirce conjuncts.

The disjunct is particularly apt to the problems of the subject at hand. The Cogito is open to outside influence, Leibniz’ criticism, in allowing unconscious perceptions into judgement. As noted by Jung, word associations disclose complexes and an unconscious complex can take over the persona. This is generally an outline for Jung’s description of Nietzsche’s mental breakdown.

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