Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Why don't we always say "carrot" when someone asks us a question?

The received view of the "Carrot Test" is incorrect, I believe. The way to settle it would be: can you question/induce someone to say “carrot” without reference to number? If you cannot, then the question becomes why does a person say “carrot” after thinking about numbers? And the answer is not because it is the most obvious answer. Below is a link to a video discussing the problem. 


An answer to this question may be important to Democracy. After making a provisional Existential Graph and then following suit on the model of Declination it became apparent that mediation is a process that happens to the Line of Identity. The Line of Identity as declination is merely the constraint of the Sign to corporeal experience. Declination is obvious in relation to 1st-ness, Grid North. However, using the unity of analogy, is there a Type of relation of Grid North to True North, 3rd-ness? This may be the seat of a Peircian rendition of “Fundamental Ontology,” and perhaps a lens to look at Cartesian Dysphoria.

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